The eagle-eyed among you will notice that the clock face doesn't look all that old and, of course, it's not. It dates only from the 1980's, and this is the second time it has been restored. Castle Rushen overlooks the sea and the clock face is high on the wall facing the prevailing wind, so it's hardly surprising the original face was lost hundreds of years ago.
In the photographs you can clearly see the dedication 'Eliz. Reg. 1597'. Now, although we've no documentary evidence that Elizabeth the First gave the clock to the castle, we do know, at least, that the clock, in its original form, is from around that date (through carbon dating). It's as well to remember that the clock didn't have a face at all until around 1700, by which time it was already at least 100 years old. But it is likely that the clock face we now enjoy is a copy of a copy of a copy etc..
The redecoration of the face was handsomely done by Paul Cowley at JCK Ltd., Ballasalla.